Absence Reporting

Attendance Regulations

California law requires all persons of school age to attend school full-time. Attendance and participation in class are essential if a student is to gain the maximum benefits from his/her educational program. Regular and punctual attendance is important.

Reporting Absence

Parents are required to call the school office when their child is absent. Absences can be reported by calling (408)928-7400 or emailing karina.orozco@arusd.org, with child's name, reason for absence and call back number. Parents or guardians have five school days to verify the reason for their child’s absence. If verification has not been received within this five day period, the absence will be considered unexcused and cannot be changed, therefore, the child is at risk of becoming truant.Students who are ill should stay home. If your child is absent, please contact the school on the day of the absence.

Attendance Consequences

School personnel may assign any or all of the consequences for unexcused student tardies and absences as appropriate. Administration may:

  1. Place a student on a School Attendance Improvement Contract.
  2. Assign in-house suspension or detention.
  3. Assign Saturday School.
  4. Restrict from promotion exercises at the 5th grade level.
  5. Request the Student Services Department to schedule a home visit by the Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) Liaison.
  6. Refer to Student Services Department for School Attendance Review Board (SARB) hearing.
  7. Request to have parent notify the school on each and every day of the student’s absence.
  8. Request parent to deliver, or pick up, the student to or from the classroom or the school.
  9. Request parent to accompany the student to the classroom and remain with the student during class time.
  10. Assign community service during non-school hours.
  11. Assign other consequences as deemed appropriate by administration and parents.