Parents and Students

Alum Rock Union Elementary School District

Board Policy

Parent Involvement


BP 6020


The Governing Board recognizes that parents/guardians are their children's first and most influential teachers and that sustained parent involvement in the education of their children contributes greatly to student achievement.  The California legislature has found that involving parents and guardians of pupils in the education process is fundamental to a healthy system of public education and that family involvement at home and at school in the education of children results in improved pupil achievement.  


Therefore, the District believes it is every family and guardian's obligation and responsibility to volunteer at least 30 hours per year at the student's school site, of which 10 of those hours should include volunteer time to the student's classroom.


  ***El Distrito de Aum Rock cree en que es la obligacion y responsabilidad de cada familia y guardian en ser voluntarios de (30) horas  por ano en la escuela en que esta su hijo/a, y en que (10) de esas horas deben incluir tiempo voluntario en el salon. 

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